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Only movie, the interactive effect has not that visual effective, so I add number of frame.

sound interactive typo+chromatopaper work from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.

PFont f = createFont("FBKid-Medium-48",10,true);


# 10 sound interactive train(Tested on Processing)

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10. SOUNDREACTIVE(TEST) from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.

(Tested on Processing)
import processing.video.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
Movie myMovie;
float movie_length;
float sp;
float md;//duration
float mt;//time
void setup() {
 // frameRate(15);
  myMovie = new Movie(this,"bbbb.mov");
  //  movie_length=myMovie.duration();
  //  myMovie.jump(movie_length/2.0);
    minim = new Minim(this);
  // get a line in from Minim, default bit depth is 16
  in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 512);
void draw() {
//  println(in.mix.level());
    mt = myMovie.time();
     if(sp<0 && mt==0) {
void movieEvent(Movie m) {
void stop()
  // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them

As sound getting bigger, the movie is going forward, but if sound is getting smaller, the movie is going reward.
the effect is not that clean, so video itself has to be cleaned or reshoot.


# 9 Reactive program Test

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still working with sound interaction.
Resolume with my video are working well..


Processing test1 from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.

# 8 Milkyc

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Magic Milk Materials
  • 2% or whole milk
  • food coloring
  • dishwashing liquid
  • cotton swab
  • plate
Milk consists of a lot of different types of molecules, including fat, protein, sugars, vitamins, and minerals. If you had just touched a clean cotton swab to the milk (try it!), not much would have happened. The cotton is absorbent, so you would have created a current in the milk, but you wouldn't have seen anything especially dramatic happen.
When you introduce detergent to the milk, several things happen at once. The detergent lowers the surface tension of the liquid so that the food coloring is free to flow throughout the milk. The detergent reacts with the protein in the milk, altering the shape of those molecules and setting them in motion. The reaction between the detergent and the fat forms micelles, which is how detergent helps to lift grease off of dirty dishes. As the micelles form, the pigments in the food coloring get pushed around. Eventually equilibrium is reached, but the swirling of the colors continues for quite a while before stopping.

Test Color on Milk from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.

# Fast ver. Milk from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.

# Fast ver. Milk2 from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.


# 7 Chromatography

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Chromatography 3 from Jihyeon Kim on Vimeo.

>>> Chromatography Experiments

-color pen
-filter paper

After researching the lichen's extract& chromatography, I found the easiet chromatography experiment.
'Paper chromatography'. These are few results.


#6 Conceptuuuing-1 Research

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  • >>>
  • Research on the Chromatography.
  • Research on the Lichen.
  • Research on the Science.

>>> reference sites& papers

>Gas-Liquid Chromatography of the Lichen Substance Usnic Acid


>>> What is the Lichen?

지의류(地衣類)는 보통 녹조류, 혹은 청록색 세균과 공생하는 복합 유기체다. 지의류의 구조, 생리, 그리고 생화학 기능은 격리 집단인 균류와 조류와는 많이 다르다. 지의류는 북극의 툰드라, 사막, 바닷가에 있는 돌, 유독한 화산암 더미와 같은 극한 환경에서도 자라며, 또한 열대우림이나 온대 지방의 나뭇잎 혹은 가지, 벽이나 묘비 같은 바위에 기착하여 자라기도 한다.
지의류는 지구상 여러 곳에 퍼져있는 강인한 장수 식물이지만, 외부 환경 변화에 약해, 과학자들이 오존층의 손상 정도나 금속의 오염도를 산정하기 위해 지의류를 이용하기도 한다. 또한, 물감, 향수, 민간 약품을 제조할 때도 이용된다.
Lichens (pronounced /ˈlaɪkən/,[1] sometimes /ˈlɪtʃən/[2]) are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic association of a fungus (the mycobiont) with a photosynthetic partner (the photobiont or phycobiont), usually either a green alga (commonly Trebouxia) or cyanobacterium (commonly Nostoc).[3] The morphology, physiology and biochemistry of lichens are very different from those of the isolated fungus and alga in culture. Lichens occur in some of the most extreme environments on Earth—arctic tundra, hot deserts, rocky coasts and toxic slag heaps. However, they are also abundant as epiphytes on leaves and branches in rain forests and temperate woodland, on bare rock, including walls and gravestones and on exposed soil surfaces (e.g. Collema) in otherwise mesic habitats. Lichens are widespread and may be long-lived;[4] however, many species are also vulnerable to environmental disturbance, and may be useful to scientists in assessing the effects of air pollution,[5][6][7] ozone depletion, and metal contamination. Lichens have also been used in making dyes and perfumes, as well as in traditional medicines.


>>> What is the Chromatography?

적절한 정지상과 이동상을 사용하여 시료들이 섞여 있는 혼합액을 이동속도 차이를 이용하여 분리하는 방법이다. 예를 들어, 검은 수성 사인펜으로 글씨를 쓴 종이에 물이 묻어 사인펜이 번지는 경우가 있는데, 번진 부분은 푸른색, 붉은색, 노란색 등 여러 색깔이 서로 다른 위치에 퍼져 있는데, 이것은 각 색소들의 이동속도가 서로 다르기 때문이다. 이같은 종이크로마토그래피에서 이온교환크로마토그래피까지 다양한 종류가 있다.


this one is from the Tyrolian Lech valley, Austria.

- Habitusfoto

- Apothecium, up to 5 mm diameter, lecanorine, disc yellow-orange to brown.

- Cross section apothecium. Thalline exiple with symbiontic Trebouxia spec. .

- Cross section apothecium. Staining with Lactophenol-Methylblue-Acidfuchsin. Asci with spores.

- Ascus is of Lecanora type, 40 x 15 µm. Spores single celled, ellipsoid, 8 per ascus, 8 x 5 µm. Staining with Lugol.

- Chemistry: Evernia divarcata contains divaricatic acid and +/- usnic acid. After extraction with acetone in polarized light. Typical property of divaricatic acid is the rectangular ordering of the crystals

Have fun!


#5 Reaktor ?!

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What is reaktor?
Reaktor is a graphical modular software music studio of proprietary license developed by Native Instruments. It lets musicians and engineers design and build their own instruments, samplers, effects and sound design tools. It is supplied with many ready-to-use instruments and effects, from emulations of classic synthesizers to futuristic sound design tools. In addition, more than 3000 free instruments can be downloaded from the growing User Library. One of Reaktor's unique selling points is that all of its instruments can be freely examined, customized or taken apart; Reaktor is a tool that effectively encourages reverse engineering. Reaktor Session is a discontinued, limited version of the software that allowed musicians to play Reaktor files but not edit or reverse-engineer them.

Programatic scale
Reaktor > Max MSP



I followed the tutorials and finally did (see the Top pic)..
I think the program is similar with Grasshopper in Rhino.